The guide to creating a media strategy -

The guide to creating a media strategy



Last week I was at a networking event at a stylish bar with beautiful view over central London. With champagne in my hand, I was surrounded by several people who I had just met that evening. I had everyone’s attention because a minute before this I had mentioned that I help entrepreneurs to create media strategies. I often find that when I mention the word “media”, people want to hear more. This event was no exception. Yet what surprises me is that despite the interest many small businesses and entrepreneurs have in being featured in the media, they tend to overlook PR and media relations and rarely include these in their marketing strategy. I often hear business owners and entrepreneurs say they might look into having a PR strategy one day “when the time is right”.

The truth is, the time is right when you feel ready to reach more potential clients or influencers and step into your next level of visibility. If being in the media is something you desire and it is right for your business, I invite you to look into it now, not one day. It is not as complicated as some may think.

Here are 5 things you need to know about PR and media to confidently include them in your marketing strategy:

1. Know your why

Media strategy, as any other part of your brand and marketing strategy, needs to begin with your why. Why do you want to be in the media? What are you trying to achieve? As with most other situations in life and business, your media relations will be much more effective when you get clear on what you want to get out of it, who you want to speak to and with what message.

2. Do your research

Once you know what you want, find a way to make it happen. Do your research. Do you know publications/channels/blogs talk to your potential customers or industry influencers? Begin by paying closer attention to the publications with which you identify and in which would like to be featured. It is similar to doing your market research: once you know what you customers want, you can offer it to them.

3. Plan ahead

Let’s be honest, attracting media attention does not (in most cases) happen overnight. Having a plan will enable you to take small steps every week to create your own media opportunities. Having a plan will also take some pressure off your busy new product/book/service launch period, when you may wish to attract more publicity through the media.

4. Build relations

During the discussion at a networking event I mentioned above somebody shared an opinion that the only way one could guarantee any media coverage is working with someone who has personal connections with journalists (i.e. PR specialists). While knowing the journalist is very helpful, there are no “guarantees”. Plus, nothing is stopping you from beginning to build relations with a couple of journalists who cover the subject you have expertise in. Media relations is exactly that – relations. I am not saying as an entrepreneur you need to get to know all journalists! Begin by following and then building relations with a couple of journalists who write for the publications you would like to be featured in.

5. Think in terms of value you offer

How can you get a journalist’s attention as a small business owner? This is one of the most frequently asked questions I get asked. My advice is to think about your expertise and what is it you have that is of value to the journalist and to the reader. If you are stuck, think about the value do you bring to your clients and why more people can benefit from it. Focusing on value will increase your confidence, and this applies to many situations, not just media relations.


nataliaAre you interested in learning more about how to get your brand the media attention you desire and how to get clear on what value you  can offer to the media?

I invite you to book a free consultation with me here to discuss this further.



  1. […] too) we know we need to do to attract people and opportunities, be it clients, potential partners, the media, or a dream job. I don’t know about you but this pressure to stand out can be quite […]