The most powerful way to plan your year -

The most powerful way to plan your year

goalsEarly January is a beautiful time of the year. After a busy December the time slows down. Everyone is so full of hope and positive energy. New intentions and plans are being created. I really enjoy this period of reflection and new energy.

So many of us are getting back to work, setting goals and committing to new resolutions. Whether you share my feelings of excitement about the beginning of a new year or whether you find yourself demotivated because the holiday is over too soon, I am sure you are thinking about the year ahead and what you want from it. Perhaps you are even setting concrete goals and resolutions.

Or have you given up on those long time ago? What is that point if by the end of winter (at best), you forget about these resolutions? I personally don’t even like the word “resolution”.

The point is, a lot of us lose motivation quickly. Why does this happen?

From my own experience and from conversations with many people, there are two big reasons why new years goals fail so often:

1. either you focus on what you should do, be, achieve and your goals do not excite you. In other words, you set goals and targets which are not connected to your true desires;

2. or you daydream about the amazing life you want but you are not prioritising these dreams and not taking steps towards them.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your desires and don’t know where to begin? I have been there and know what this place looks like. Your desires seem so far away from where you are now that it is easier to not do anything.Then a year later you are still thinking about these same desires having made little movement towards them.

playadelcarmenThis time last year, I was on a beach in Mexico, taking in every ray of sunshine the day before heading back to London. To say I was overwhelmed would be an understatement. My desires and plans for 2014 were big. I decided it was the year I was going to quit my job, move into a new home and start a business that I am passionate about. I also wanted to travel to California, Venice, Paris (to name a few), have a professional photo shoot, spend more time with my family and deepen my relationship with my boyfriend.

By the end of January I handed in my notice at work and by the end of March I was free. I took myself on my dream weekend trip to Paris to celebrate. In April, I moved in with my partner after an amazing weekend in Venice. In May, after spending a week with my family, I was in California, reconnecting with a dear friend and attending an inspiring event for women. I had a photo shoot while I was there. In June I started working full time on my business.

By mid summer I had already experienced most of I desired for that year. Realising this was empowering and truly amazing. At the end of last year as I looked back, I felt so much gratitude for everything I experienced and achieved in 2014. It was so much more that I could have imagined at the beginning of last year in Mexico. It wasn’t always perfect and easy, but it was truly transformational.

I started living my dream lifestyle, travelled somewhere inspiring every month, sometimes two, three times per month. I joined a high level coaching mastermind programme. I could not have imagined being able to make an investment on that level so soon after leaving my job, but I found a way to make it happen. I met amazing women who became part of my life. I danced tango, spent time on beautiful beaches, ate in Micheline star restaurants, stayed in a gorgeous mansion in Savannah, enjoyed hot springs under the stars.


And yet, it would have been so easy to just let the overwhelm take over and stay where I was.

What helped me to experience such an amazing year was being clear on what my desires were and why I had these desires, then getting the support I required.

How to set yourself up for an amazing 2015

Having an amazing year requires planning. Planning, goal setting, vision boarding, desire mapping – choose whatever method works for you. You know yourself best. I have tried many different methods, read many books on the subject and worked with coaches. It is not so much about what method you choose but how you approach this important task.

These tips have helped me to set myself for success with my annual planning and I am sure they will help you too.

1. Start with your desire and vision

Many people jump straight into what their goals and targets for the new year are, putting all the things they should be doing and achieving, only to find themselves giving up on these goals two months later, or feeling completely exhausted later in the year.

Connect with your desires instead. Goals are so often influenced by what the society thinks we should be doing with our lives. Desire is your driving force. It is unique to you. Desire energy gives us excitement and motivation. Imagine yourself at the end of the year experiencing your desires. Visualising your true desires will make you joyful and excited.

2. Choose a key area of focus

Trying to transform four areas of your life at the same time is very overwhelming. That’s why so many people give up. Choose one are to focus on, the one that will make the most impact in terms of your happiness. Transforming one key area will usually shift things in other areas of your life. Trust me on this one.

3. Prioritise you in your annual plan

No matter what area you focus on, be it finances, your family or a relationship, make sure you prioritise you and your well-being. You are the person who will make it all happen. Often people wonder why they don’t meet their dream partner, receive their ideal clients or have a more exciting social life when they want it so much. The truth is if you don’t have emotional capacity to receive what you desire in your life, wanting it alone won’t help. I learned this lesson last year.

Remember, you don’t have to do it on your own. Get the support to assist you in prioritising you.

4. Don’t be afraid to dream big

Big dreams can be so scary. How are you going to experience something that is so far from your reality? Big dreams set your direction. You can break them up into smaller chunks until you have actionable goals.

play5. Make sure to include fun in your plan

Play and fun are so undervalued. Yet, they have the power to transform your life on a daily basis. Are all your goal related to business and financial targets. Add fun activities to your calendar now. Or, like me, you may wish to assign a play day in your weekly (or monthly) schedule.

6. Move from dreams to goals

Only once you are clear and excited about your vision and desires for the year, can you move on to setting achievable and measurable goals. This is an effective way to avoid the two big pitfalls of new year’s goals I mentioned at the beginning.

7. Voice your desires

Voicing your desires is very powerful. Not only does it make these desires real, but also it holds you accountable.

And remember, nothing is set in stone. You can always change your mind and create new goals.

I would love to hear from you

Have you had your planning day yet? What are your big desires and plans for this year? What would  make this year truly amazing for you?

Are you ready to make 2015 your most inspired and enjoyable year yet?



I invite you to book a complimentary discovery session with me here to find out what kind of support you require to make your desires and goals happen this year.