As much as I am loving the hot days we are blessed with in London at the moment, this weather presents challenges when it comes to dressing for work meetings and speaking gigs. Have you ever had to deal with fabrics clinging to your body, sweat stains (not elegant, I know!) or simply feeling uncomfortable […]
Shine on stage with your authentic style
May 23, 2016
Whether you are looking to be invited to speak more or regularly host your own events, there is nothing like having nothing to wear for the occasion to make the experience frustrating instead of exciting. A client has shared with me recently that after our private day, where we spent the afternoon designing her unique signature […]
What message is in your style?
October 24, 2014
What are your thoughts on style? What answers are coming up? Are you losing interest in reading further? Are there any judgements? Are you curious? I should say upfront that this post is not about how to dress in the most flattering way or what dress to pick for your speaking gig. This post is about […]