I have a question for you: do you like a good story?
Most likely, the answer is “yes”. People love stories. Have you noticed how engaging we find stories? A good movie, a fascinating book or even a story in a magazine or newspaper all have the power to attract our attention and draw us in, often distracting from other activities.
When I was working in my corporate position as a PR and communications consultant, crafting stories for clients was part of my job. One of my clients, an international NGO, hired us as consultants to advise on their international re-branding strategy that sought to enhance their brand image and grow fundraising. And do you know what we were doing with them? We were teaching their communications staff how to tell engaging stories.
There is now a lot of research suggesting that it is easier for us to receive and consume information when it comes in a form of a story. What’s more, we remember stories better and relate to them more than we do when it comes to facts or other forms of information, because stories evoke an emotional response.
Storytelling is the buzzword of the moment in marketing and entrepreneurial world. You have probably come across numerous articles advising you to use more storytelling in your business and branding to attract more clients.
Storytelling skills can help you experience success in many areas of your like and career: from public speaking, to job interviews, to your website content development, to marketing and even dating and social life. This is why it is important to know what story you are telling others about who you area.
Are you aware of what story are you telling the world about yourself?
Did you know that even if you are not consciously telling a story, you are still doing it indirectly?

My friend Susana’s (not the friend I had coffee with…) image told me from day one that she is bright, creative and not afraid to stand out, and that is the story I was attracted by.
Last week I was having coffee with a dear friend and we were talking about life, relationships, friends, future plans, as two ladies do when they meet for a catch up. My friend told me that she did not feel her age and, in fact, felt like she was many years younger. I smiled and said: “I know, I get the message you are sending about yourself with your style, your choice of clothes, accessories and attitude”. That is not to say she is not mature or responsible, just young in spirit. That message is part of her bigger story whether or not she expresses it verbally.
Storytelling is as communication is very powerful but it work best when your story is consistent, when your verbal and non-verbal communication conveys the same message.
So next time you go to a networking event, a meeting or do a presentation and tell a story of who you are, make sure that what you project externally – your image, your style, your behaviour – supports that story.
Your Inner Story
However, all this is only the tip of the iceberg. What makes your story really powerful (as well as your external image) is when your external story matches your internal one. Internal work requires a lot more time and effort, sometimes as much as 90%, before your external story can flow naturally and your image or personal brand comes together powerfully and authentically.
I suggests you take a moment right now to reflect what stories are running in your head because these stories create your reality.
Do you tell yourself that you can’t have your dream life because it is unrealistic?
You may be trying to find a new fulfilling career but the story running in your mind tells you that it is impossible, quoting very “helpful” statistics in support of that statement.
Perhaps you are looking for your ideal partner but inside there is a story that says you are not worthy of a loving relationship or that it does not really exist and all your dating efforts fail.
What about money? What money story is running your life? Perhaps you are telling yourself that having a lot of money will spoil you or that it is unethical and selfish to make a lot of money, and then wondering why you never get a pay rise or why clients question your prices.
I witness so many people sharing their desires and then immediately coming up with a list of reasons why they are not worth even trying to realise.
Look at what is not working in your life right now. Does your internal story allow you to have what you desire instead?
Think about your big dreams and desires. Maybe it is to find a fulfilling career that is built around your passions and allows you to live your dream lifestyle? Or is it a loving relationship? Is it to live in a different country? Or perhaps it is to love and honour your body without changing it? Take an honest looks at what stories run in your head and how they may contradict these desires.
The only way to change what you don’t like in your world is to change your internal story. So take a pen and a journal or a couple of sheets of paper – my suggestion is using beautiful stationery and going to a places that inspires you – and start rewriting your stories: your career story, your health and wellbeing story, your love story, your money story and, ultimately, your life story. Transformation is much more powerful when you focus on one area at a time. So choose an area that calls you most and begin transforming it by re-writing your story.
Read your new story daily and imagine it becoming your new reality.
I would love to hear from you.
What is your story for 2015? Please share in the comments area below. What no longer works and what are you going to re-write in the book of your life at the beginning of a new year?
I am planning my next personal branding workshop, where I teach participants for to tell their stories in an authentic and engaging way to attract their ideal clients, which will take place in the next two months. If you would like to receive details register here for updates.