What associations are showing up in your head when you hear the word “play”?
Do you think about how long it has been since you last played? Are you thinking who has time for it in the grown up world? Are you smiling at a fun memory that is still very fresh in your head?
I used to love to play when I was a child. And then, as most of us, I somehow lost this ability when I grew up. Today, I am committed to brining play back, not because I need some sort of escapism from hard life, but because I have discovered that play has the power to shift all areas of my life and do so with ease.
This week, I was having dinner with three inspiring women entrepreneurs. We were discussing our experiences of being an entrepreneur after a corporate career and highs and lows of living in London, when one of them confessed that she had not done anything fun in London in a long time. She has been so busy with her business that she simply forgot that one of the world’s most exciting, culturally diverse and creative cities is at her door step.
This is very illustrative of how most of us feel about play. First work, then play. Did you ever get that message when you were a child? You first need to do your homework and then you will earn play. The problem is we are so tired from all the work that we skip play, choosing instead to shut off the brain noise with TV, looking for someone else to entertain because we are too exhausted to do it for ourselves.
My friend, being very aware of the kind of lifestyle she wants, immediately committed to playing more that evening. But many people keep postponing and ignoring play. I was guilty of this myself until I realised how powerful play is and made a conscious decision to play every day. Does this mean that I do it perfectly and never forget about play? No, it doesn’t. But being aware of the importance of play has allowed me to let it into my life and let it work its magic.
Why Play?
Before I go to “how”, I want to say a few words about the “why”. Why make an effort?
It is obvious, but I will say it anyway. Play is fun. Play enhances your day, your week, your experience of life.
Play boosts creativity. When you are in a playful state of mind, you let go of boundaries, you stop taking things so seriously and you allow your creativity to flow.
Play enhances your relationships. Just try this as an experiment: be playful with your partner when it comes to daily routine, subjects such as whose turn it is to get groceries or do the dishes and see how things shift.
Play, despite common misconceptions, can do wonders for productivity. Think about it, play means being fully present, choosing to do what you enjoy, having fun. When you apply this to work tasks that you tend to procrastinate with, you come up with new ways of doing things and, most importantly, you get things done while having fun.
Last week, I was trying to convince myself to start writing up content for my new programme. Do you ever have internal dialogues with yourself, trying to talk yourself into working on something? It did not work for me, so I invited my playful side to help me. One of my favourite forms of play is cutting out pictures and words from magazines and doing collages. So this is what I did. I created a collage of the content I want my programme to provide. It was easy, fun and effective. The clarity I got helped me to move to the next step quickly.
Play helps you to learn more about your true essence and boost your confidence. When you choose play, you subconsciously let go of your grown up masks and roles. When you allow yourself to be playful, you automatically worry less about the outcome, about how you will be perceived or whether you will make the right impression.
How to Play More
1. Choose to play every day
The most common excuse most people use when it comes to play is lack of time. Let me share a secret with you: play does not require a lot of time. You can spend 10 minutes playing and it will shift your energy and your day. This morning, I woke up feeling tired and uninspired, wishing it was summer. Instead of my short yoga routine, I decided to dance. I put upbeat Brazilian music on (bring on the carnival!) and danced. Dance is one of my favourite forms of play. It shifted my energy immediately. How can you play for 10-15 minutes now?
Tip: keep a play ideas jar or box for when you are stuck for play ideas – make it easy to play.
2. Put play first
Play does not need to be deserved, despite what we have been told for years. If you start your day with a bit of play, you are likely to be happier and more productive. Not only do I start my day with play (no emails or any kind of technology for the first two hours of my morning), but I also start my week with play. Mondays are reserved for fun activities, playful explorations of what London has to offer, lunches with friends, dance classes and style.
How can you start your day and week with play?
3. Let play into other areas of your life
Do you have separate work and play/rest wardrobes? See if you can mix them up a bit. Introduce at least one non-work item into your wardrobe. I learned this from stylist Samantha Clarke, who really knows how to play with clothes.
Do you have separate slots in your diary for play, family, work, etc? Good if you have play in your diary. Go one step further and combine some of them, for example, strategy session in your diary can turn into playful strategy time outside the office. Do you have a call with a prospect you are dreading? Do some role playing to help you relax.
Last night, at an event at the School of Life I was chatting to one of the participants about style and how much I enjoy it. I shared with her that I do a short newsletter every Monday to share my style inspiration for the week with my subscribers. Looking a little confused, she asked me, if it was work related or whether I did it for fun. I think you know what my answer was – both. It is my form of play but it also enhances my brand.
I would love to hear from you.
How are you going to play today? This weekend? Next week? What has your relationship with play been so far? What would you like it to be?
Please share your thoughts and play ideas in the comment area below.
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