A year ago, I walked out of my corporateĀ job in a communications consultancy to live life on my own terms, which for me then meant doing fulfilling work, creative expression, travel, spending more time with loved ones and enjoying an inspired lifestyle. Excited about possibilities that lied ahead I booked myself on a trip to […]
Lessons from my first year of freedom based lifestyle
March 20, 2015
Filed Under: Blog, Lifestyle, Success Tagged With: career, elegant lifestyle, empowerment, enjoying life, everyday fun, feeling happy, freedom, freedom-based lifestyle, fulfilling career, fulfilment, happiness, passion based work, productivity, Style, taking responsibility for your life, travel
How to create real freedom in your life
January 23, 2015
Yesterday, I was having tea with girlfriends after visiting a late night viewing at one of London’s beautiful art galleries. I had not seen one of them for nearly a year and she was keen to hear about my new entrepreneurial lifestyle. The first thing she told me was that it must be amazing to […]