Last week I was exploring streets of romantic Savannah in Georgia in the company of 13 amazing women, as part of a special Mastermind programme I have joined earlier this year. Time spent in such a beautiful setting with such an inspiring company affected me more than I could imagine. It is true what they say – you become who you surround yourself with.
Shifts started happening almost instantly as I returned home. Projects I was not able to move took off without much effort on my side, I finally did something about a lack of space and order I was tolerating in my flat for months and within days I effortlessly attracted the people I was looking to do business with. Post-trip, inspiration is not something I have to squeeze out of myself (not that this approach works), I just need to access it. I even started meditating 10 minutes every day and went back to doing a daily exercise routine. The best part, none of this requires too much effort, forcing or guilting myself into action.
What is so different about me now compared to me two weeks ago that allows me to do things with ease? The mindset. Having spent time with inspiring women who allow themselves to want it all and who really do get to have it all (and by “it all” I mean what they desire at that stage of their life without being overwhelmed or burnt out to enjoy it, keeping in mind that “it all” is an evolving concept), this is what I have come to realise sets them apart.
So this is what women who have it all do differently
1. They are not afraid of sharing themselves and being visible
Women who know they can have it all also know that having it all (i.e. having what they desire in all areas of life) involves growth. They understand that growth requires them to be visible in a bigger way, even if it means being vulnerable and even if it scares them. For me, I know that speaking in front of big audiences is the next level of visibility I need to step into.
Where in your life and/or business are opportunities presenting themselves for you to step into a next level of visibility? Are you saying yes to these opportunities or are you hiding?
2. They are open to receiving
These women know that success and happiness in life is linked to their ability to receive, receive love, support, intuitive guidance, compliments, money, clients. We are taught that in order to receive something we need to do something for others first, we only feel worthy of receiving if we give. This affects our self-worth internally and externally: how we feel about ourselves and how the world values us (and this includes what we are paid).
What can you allow yourself to receive today, unconditionally?
3. They put themselves first
Yes, it sounds selfish, but as a woman who can have it all, you really do need to put yourself, your wellbeing and your desires first. If you don’t do it, nobody will do it for you. What do you know you require that you have not been allowing yourself to have because other people’s agendas or massive to-do lists take priority? Perhaps it is a morning ritual, a quiet time on a daily basis, a new dress that will instantly boost your confidence, 8-hour sleep every night?
What is it that you know would really improve your wellbeing/confidence/quality of life that you can do today and who can you say no to to do it?
4. They don’t let fear stop them from following their desires
So many of us live lives we don’t fully enjoy but are not doing anything to change this, thinking that being satisfied in one area of life is enough. I know I did for some time. Isn’t it odd that so many people don’t follow their desires? The truth is that the bigger the vision for our life or desire, the bigger the fear. Successful women experience fear and doubt too. But instead of being in the energy of contraction, which is what fear does to us, they allow themselves to see possibilities and move into expansive state. I have learned that just by asking a simple question, “What if, I experienced/had/received [insert your desire]?”, I am able to move out of contraction and stagnation and into inspired action mode.
What is your biggest desire right now? Imagine what it would be like to have it.
5. They define success for themselves, instead of looking to fit in
Women who have it all allow themselves to connect with their big vision with all their senses to feel into what they really want as opposed to going after what they think they want or what they should want based on everyone else. They take time to explore what success means to them and how having this success makes them feel. This is a key to having it all – you need to know what your own version of “it all” is to begin creating it.
Are you ready to grow your business, step into your next level of visibility and define success on your own terms?
Book a free consultation with Natalia here to discover what you require to create the success you desire.
[…] more about the mindset. Of course, you will need to take action at some point, but developing an inner confidence mindset is essential because it will guide your action and enable you to stand out and shine with […]