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Style and Life Lessons from Berlin

Having just come back from a trip to Berlin, I am buzzing with ideas and creative inspiration. Berlin is currently one of my favourite places in Europe. It has a certain energy, certain vibe that makes creative expression seem easy and natural. Berlin definitely has style, a very distinct, expressive, yet practical style. It is […]

Lessons from my first year of freedom based lifestyle

A year ago, I walked out of my corporate job in a communications consultancy to live life on my own terms, which for me then meant doing fulfilling work, creative expression, travel, spending more time with loved ones and enjoying an inspired lifestyle. Excited about possibilities that lied ahead I booked myself on a trip to […]

How to ask for what you want and receive it

A few weeks ago, I went to Mexico for 10 days, of which I spent 5 participating in a retreat with a group of women I admire and adore. Disconnected from the world in the middle of a tropical paradise, I was working on my business strategy. The experience was beautiful on so many levels: stunning nature, […]

Perfectionism: why it is not serving you and what to do instead

Today, I went to a beautiful yoga class in a small village on Western coast in Mexico, where I am spending a few days before going to a retreat with an international and inspiring group of women. This was probably one of the most imperfect classes I have been to in a while – noises […]

How to create real freedom in your life

Yesterday, I was having tea with girlfriends after visiting a late night viewing at one of London’s beautiful art galleries. I had not seen one of them for nearly a year and she was keen to hear about my new entrepreneurial lifestyle. The first thing she told me was that it must be amazing to […]