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How to ask for what you want and receive it

A few weeks ago, I went to Mexico for 10 days, of which I spent 5 participating in a retreat with a group of women I admire and adore. Disconnected from the world in the middle of a tropical paradise, I was working on my business strategy. The experience was beautiful on so many levels: stunning nature, […]

The power of play and why you need to embrace it right now

What associations are showing up in your head when you hear the word “play”? Do you think about how long it has been since you last played? Are you thinking who has time for it in the grown up world? Are you smiling at a fun memory that is still very fresh in your head? I […]

Does your story inspire you?

I have a question for you: do you like a good story? Most likely, the answer is “yes”. People love stories. Have you noticed how engaging we find stories? A good movie, a fascinating book or even a story in a magazine or newspaper all have the power to attract our attention and draw us in, often […]

The most powerful way to plan your year

Early January is a beautiful time of the year. After a busy December the time slows down. Everyone is so full of hope and positive energy. New intentions and plans are being created. I really enjoy this period of reflection and new energy. So many of us are getting back to work, setting goals and committing to new […]

Celebrating 2014

Today is my last day of work this year. Of course, as an entrepreneur work never completely stops, there are always ideas and insights that pop into our heads even when we are not working. What I mean is today is the last day of desk work. In preparing for holidays and the end of […]