Self-worth and self-care Archives - Page 2 of 2 -

A Powerful Word Every Woman Requires to Use

[yt4wp-video video_id=”o75l7B3dLuI”]   I would like to talk to you about a very powerful word that every woman requires to use but probably is not using enough. I have not been very good at using this word throughout my life and I am still learning. But I am much more aware of the power of […]

What To Do When You Are Going Through Change

We all go through changes, growth, transformations. If you, like me, are focused on personal growth, you probably go through some form of change or transformation fairly often. However, from time to time a big breakthrough or shift happens, and it can throw us off balance. This is something that is very real for me right […]

Balance between being and doing

Yesterday, I found myself on a verge of breaking into tears on a flight to Spain. I was trying to do some work on the flight, so I would be able to spend three days disconnected from technology, to-do lists and emails, enjoying precious time with my family, sunshine and delicious food and wine. I had a […]

What happened when I said I was attractive…

Do consider yourself attractive? Attractiveness… a quality we all want to have. Attractiveness is what draws people to us, what initiates connections, what gets people interested. So why do we then have so much judgment and even fear around attractiveness? I certainly did for many years. Why can’t we admit that it is important for us? Why do […]

How to Know Your Value

I have a question for you: do you know your value? This is the question I have been asking myself this week, as I was preparing to make a decision about an opportunity to invest in myself that has presented itself. The financial, emotional, mental commitment that is required is significant. Very often in the […]