How do I adapt to autumn-winter style after the ease 0f summer style? Is it even possible to get excited about it? This is the question I hear from women around this time. For many of us, it seems, a sense of ease we feel in summer, when you can throw a light dress on and look great with minimal effort, is […]
How to create a magnetic brand, even when you are just starting out
I have just come back from an inspiring event for women entrepreneurs in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Not only did the event gather 40 amazing women in the room and helped each of grow, but it was also perfectly organised and stylishly beautiful to the last detail. Feeling ready to plan my own event in 2015, […]
Desire more clients or business opportunities? You need to create new space in your life
I have been out a lot lately, travelling, meeting with women entrepreneurs all over London, networking, reconnecting with friends. There seems to be a lot of movement in my every day life in the past weeks. I have always felt that things really speed up from mid October, because everyone is more and more aware of the approaching […]
What message is in your style?
What are your thoughts on style? What answers are coming up? Are you losing interest in reading further? Are there any judgements? Are you curious? I should say upfront that this post is not about how to dress in the most flattering way or what dress to pick for your speaking gig. This post is about […]